This project was supported by Grant Number 2018-X1511-AS-MU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S., Department of Justice, and Grant Number HHS-2108-ACF-ACYF-SDVC-1346 awarded by Family Violence Prevention and Services. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice, and Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.
Using Public Service Announcements (video) to change the lens in which our community views violence. The Alliance is developing a media platform to incorporate our cultural beliefs, attitudes, to change mindsets regarding domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual assault is our primary goal.
Publications Library
The Alliance provides a variety of resources for our member programs as well as the public to further assist in our mission of ending domestic and sexual violence. This is our library of resources on various topics targeted at a variety of audiences. By clicking on the documents you can view all or some of the resources available based on the listed categories.
The Alliance provides a variety of resources for our member programs as well as the public to further assist in our mission of ending domestic and sexual violence. This is our library of resources on various topics targeted at a variety of audiences. By clicking on the documents you can view all or some of the resources available based on the listed categories.
The Alliance is pleased to announce "Talanoa" Podcasts. The word "Talanoa" is used the same way in Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Samoa, Fiji and Tonga. The word in its simplest form means "Conversations" in the English language. "Tala" means to inform, or to tell a story. and "Noa" translates into "Nothing ordinary". Translated literally it means to "Talk about nothing". In our Samoan community "Talking about nothing" encompasses intimate conversations, general conversations, and is often used at various levels.
Tusitala Monthly Newsletter
During COVID-19 Pandemic the Alliance has created live online educational training sessions in the form of webinars. Webinars are events delivered online scheduled through zoom monthly. It provides a two-way dialogue between attendees and presenters to share information in real time. Webinars are recorded, uploaded onto youtube, and other social media platforms. This provides domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual violence community advocates to learn more in real time, as well as at their own schedule.
During COVID-19 Pandemic the Alliance has created live online educational training sessions in the form of webinars. Webinars are events delivered online scheduled through zoom monthly. It provides a two-way dialogue between attendees and presenters to share information in real time. Webinars are recorded, uploaded onto youtube, and other social media platforms. This provides domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual violence community advocates to learn more in real time, as well as at their own schedule.