This project was supported by Grant Number 2018-X1511-AS-MU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S., Department of Justice, and Grant Number HHS-2108-ACF-ACYF-SDVC-1346 awarded by Family Violence Prevention and Services. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice, and Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.
Learn about the historical context of how American Samoa is a dependent territory in the U.S., and the Constitutional Evolution executed by the Naval Administration in 1948. It shows how the American Samoa Judiciary was formed and the context of domestic violence in the Fa'aSamoa. This document will delve into due diligence legal standard for assessing the adequacy of government action, and how it overlaps with Gender-Based Violence. Press Image for copy
Developing Minimum Standards For DVSA Service
in American Samoa.
As one of the fifty-six (56) national Coalitions recognized by the federal Office for Victims of Crime-- Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and the Office on Violence Against Women - Violence Against Women (OVW), it was necessary to conduct assessments of territorial DVSA service provision levels and standards, and the coordinated response mechanisms by service providers. This manuscript reveals the limitations for core services for victims in American Samoa. This document shows the need to conduct research to support a proposal of Minimum Standards for DVSA services and protocols
in American Samoa. (Click image for more information)
Defining An Effective Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in American Samoa
Preliminary research done by the Alliance in August 2017 and March 2018 reveled lack of service integration between government agencies, and non-government agencies for victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The main purpose of this document is to assess the gaps between what is available and what victims report they need(ed). This project reviews service delivery (post -crisis support) and compare the victim/client's journey or experience to the mapping of perceived DVSA service provision.
(Click image for more information)
Defining the American Samoa Man Box
A Call to Men uses the Man Box to illustrate collective socialization of men. In September 2017, three Samoan men attended the "Call To Men" conference in Minnesota. The conversations focused on how non-profits strive to "promote healthy and respectful manhood and shift attitudes and behaviors that devalue women, girls and other marginalized groups." This document shares what happens when the men return to American Samoa and speak with men about the Man Box. (Click image for more information)
A Call to Men uses the Man Box to illustrate collective socialization of men. In September 2017, three Samoan men attended the "Call To Men" conference in Minnesota. The conversations focused on how non-profits strive to "promote healthy and respectful manhood and shift attitudes and behaviors that devalue women, girls and other marginalized groups." This document shares what happens when the men return to American Samoa and speak with men about the Man Box. (Click image for more information)
Domestic Violence in the 2 Samoas
During 2017 it was important to understand the approach to domestic violence work in American Samoa and Samoa. Different countries (U.S. Territory and Independent State), share the same culture, same religion, same language yet the view on Domestic Violence appeared to be different. The Alliance Team conducted focus groups in Samoa, and American Samoa, as well as interviews with key community members to understand how they viewed domestic violence. (Click image for more information)
The Feasibility of Creating a Rape Crisis Center in American Samoa
This document provides an overview of the existing Territorial response to sexual assault in American Samoa, and discusses the feasibility of creating a Rape Crisis Center (RCC) as the primary coordinator of timely, effective, streamlined assistance to victims and survivors. (Click image for more information)
This document provides an overview of the existing Territorial response to sexual assault in American Samoa, and discusses the feasibility of creating a Rape Crisis Center (RCC) as the primary coordinator of timely, effective, streamlined assistance to victims and survivors. (Click image for more information)
Alliance 5 Year Strategic Plan
Our strategic planning process began with a comprehensive environmental assessment which included the historical evolution of anti-DVSA legislation in American Samoa and the neighboring independent country of Samoa to understand the differences in approaches to DVSA, and the influence of the Fa’aSamoa (Samoan culture) on social and cultural norms regarding women, equality, and power in each community. The evaluation led to prolific insights authenticated by key informant interviews and a KAB Survey [The State of Domestic Violence in Samoa and American Samoa: A comparison of two societies sharing a single culture, Jan. 2018]. This document shares the work of the Board of Directors, and Alliance Staff to develop strategies based on the qualitative data from previous manuscripts to support the Alliance mission statement. (Click image for more information)
Our strategic planning process began with a comprehensive environmental assessment which included the historical evolution of anti-DVSA legislation in American Samoa and the neighboring independent country of Samoa to understand the differences in approaches to DVSA, and the influence of the Fa’aSamoa (Samoan culture) on social and cultural norms regarding women, equality, and power in each community. The evaluation led to prolific insights authenticated by key informant interviews and a KAB Survey [The State of Domestic Violence in Samoa and American Samoa: A comparison of two societies sharing a single culture, Jan. 2018]. This document shares the work of the Board of Directors, and Alliance Staff to develop strategies based on the qualitative data from previous manuscripts to support the Alliance mission statement. (Click image for more information)
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Results of the Fesili Mai Adolescent Suicide Survey completed by Dianna M. Georgina, Ph.D, Georgia Gwinnett College, Atlanta, Georgia from 2010-2011. Ethnographic assessment conducted in American Samoa from 2002-2004 focusing on the problem of adolescent suicide. At the time this report was written there were four students who committed suicide. There was no question that adolescent suicide was a problem that needed to be addressed. (Click image for more information)
Additional Domestic & Sexual Violence Resources |
About Gender Based Violence Statistics against Asian Pacific Island Women
Types of Gender Based Violence |
Unpacking myths and facts about sexual violence Ombudsman Press Statement Samoa
National Public Inquiry Into Family Violence In Samoa |