Written by: Jennifer Tofaeono, Ex Director Rosemarie Hidalgo, informing the approved award amount of $750,000 for the Fiscal Year 2023 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program Solicitation, and is good for three years. This project allows the Alliance to continue the Rural Project for the last two years with the Fa’afafine Community, and partnership with the SOFIAS (Society of Fa’afafine in American Samoa).
The purpose of the grant is to implement of a victim services project for American Samoa, in partnership with the SOFIAS to help the Fa’afafine Community who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking in our rural community. Specific activities will include hiring Fa’afafine advocates to coordinate with the sole Fa’afafine representing organization in the territory: SOFIAS to create a culturally specific domestic violence sexual assault (DVSA) curriculum for Polynesian Fa’afafine. The grant will assist in establishing an infrastructure, creating safe spaces in zones and a Resource Center. Lastly, the Alliance will develop training curriculum for three Fa’afafine advocates and twenty service providers to improve response to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence in the Fa’afafine community. Our next steps is to complete the award requirements of the acceptance package, and obtain funding to begin grant activities. We will establish the job descriptions for two positions within the grant, Project Manager and Administrative Assistant. The Alliance search for space to create the Resource Center for the project. We ask that you continue to follow us as we share updates of the project. If you would like more information regarding this project please do not hesitate to email: [email protected], or subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive more information. Photo retrieved from SOFIAS FacebookPage https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=336019808749505&set=pb.100070244640816.-2207520000&type=3
On September 25, 2023 the Alliance was informed by the Office on Violence Against Women the approval of award entitled 2023 OVW Fiscal Year Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program approved for $750,000 for years 2023-2026.
The purpose of this award is to continue our project with the SOFIAS to help identify, assess, and appropriately respond to child, youth, and adult victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking in rural communities. Over the next three years the Alliance, thru this project will help to establish and expand victim services in rural communities to child, youth and adult victims. It will help to increase the safety and well being of Fa'afafine Victims to increase the safety and well-being in American Samoa. Over the next three years we will work to increase the safe being of the Fa'afafine community by creating and implementing strategies to expand and establish cooperative efforts and projects among law enforcement officers, prosecutors, victim service providers; provide treatment and counseling advocacy and other long-term and short-term specific services for Fa'afafine community. Lastly we will help to develop programs and strategies with the Fa'afafine community who live in American Samoa. |